Mosaic Community
Food Farm
The Community Food Farm purpose is to grow healthy food that will nourish its recipients. The garden will grow food best suited to the location, growing period and end purpose. The garden will be provided with the best nutrients available to encourage strong and bountiful produce. By using best practice planting methods, we will naturally minimize pest issues. Complimentary plants will be strategically placed to increase productivity.
Healthy food grown with love can change lives.
This is the philosophy the Mosaic Community Food Farm is built on. Hunger is the root of many societal issues. A full stomach can bring new opportunities. Not only is hunger an epidemic, access to healthy, nutritious food is out of reach for many.
The Mosaic Community Food Farm is part of the solution. As a collaborative effort of local non-profits and community minded funders, the Mosaic Community Food Farm will have its home in beautiful Wakamow Valley. The 1 acre garden will grow fresh produce that will be primarily distributed or prepared at the Moose Jaw and District Food Bank and Riverside Mission. Currently, these partners have limited access or funds available to provide recipients with fresh produce.
Our Mosaic Community Food Farm Co-ordinator, has extensive experience and knowledge of gardening, pest management and growing conditions in the valley and serves as an excellent resource at the farm. With the assistance of volunteers from different organizations we seeded and harvested approximately 4000 pounds of vegetables for our community each growing season.
On January 9 2019, Mosaic committed to funding the community garden for the next three years. Without generosity like theirs, the food farm would be difficult to operate and fund. We are truly grateful for their commitment to food security in the province.
For upcoming Community Garden Events check out the event calendar or visit Mosaic Community Food Farm’s Facebook page.